UPDATE::: Hey dolls. So a bunch of really awesome backgrounds were deleted from the drop box! I don't know if the person who created them deleted them, or if someone else deleted them, but I've changed it so that you can add your background designs, but can't delete. If you uploaded your design already, please check it's still in there and be sure to upload... the ones that got deleted were really fantastic!!!
I'm really into Twittering! I love giving all you guys little updates and reading all your @replies every day! I have Tweetgenius on my Blackberry so I'm constantly checking my messages... I'm obsessed, haha!
So... I thought it would be fun to have a contest to design my new Twitter background! My last one was fan-created and I loved it, but it's a new year and time for a new background! I thought you guys might be able to have some fun designing these, and I'd love to see what you come up with!
I've set up an area online where you can upload your designs. That way I can go through them easily, pick my favorites and find a winner! The winner's design will become my new Twitter background, and I'll tweet you a little thank you message, too!!
The contest ends January 25 and I'll be posting my top 10 designs shortly after it ends, before I decide upon the final winner. I can't wait to see your designs!!!
I found this twitter template online that might help you with your designs, but feel free to create yours from scratch. Happy designing :)
SOURCE: http://kimkardashian.celebuzz.com