This is a special month for me. Yes, It's my birthday month. Oct 6th thank you very much… I had a wonderful birthday with my close friends and now I am excited to share an amazing horoscope with all my fellow Libras.
I read a really interesting weekly horoscope on Elle.com, which basically said that Jupiter turns direct on Monday Oct 12th. This helps us Libra's to discern the difference between good drama and bad drama. It also gives us the ability to infuse a bad situation with an electrifying rainbow of creativity and passion. How amazing is that?
I don't know about you, but I have recently had some negativity in my life. Honestly, I feel like I am gaining control of the situation and want to leave it behind me without stirring up any further conflicts. I realize that I have a tendency to put myself right in the middle of a lot of drama, and that needs to change. This horoscope explained so much and I ‘m learning to channel my energy towards more positive and creative outlets.
We all have things that happen in our lives, whether it’s a break up, loss of job, or some tragedy that robs us of our joy. Don't let it get you down, stay strong. We have the power to decide if we are going to be kicked down by drama. You are the MOST important and you are strong, beautiful, and in control. Happy Birthday to all of my fellow Libra's!!!
I really appreciated Elle Magazines Horoscope this month so I posted it below for us Libra's. For more amazing horoscopes go to Elle.com.
The Sun is in Libra until October 23rd, making this the start of a new solar cycle for you. It’s time to put yourself front and center, to hone in on your priorities and take action. The Libra new moon on the 18th marks your personal new year, a great time to define a few key goals. After an emotional, unstructured September, you’re ready to forge ahead.
Speaking of structure, on October 29th, taskmaster Saturn will enter Libra, staying until October 2012. For the next three years, this celestial life coach will dole out the tough love, forcing you to confront your weak spots and grow. Libra is the sign of partnerships, and you veer between selfishness and losing yourself in others’ needs. Saturn will strip it all down to brass tacks. Although the lost luxury of procrastination will require some adjustment, you’ll be a lean, mean fighting machine by the end of this period—as long as you step up to the challenge.
Ask your friends to cheer you on. Energetic Mars begins a nine-month visit to your group activity sector on the 16th. Get support for your goals through networking associations, online chat forums, and other circles. Break away from the enablers who let you make excuses for playing small. As our Libra uncle once told us, the difference between a friendship and friendliness is this: A friendly person tells you what you want to hear, and a friend tells you what you need to hear. Libra, you can handle the truth.
October is filled with romantic activity—one of your favorite pastimes. On the 4th, the Aries full moon beams into your relationship sector, bringing a declaration of true love, a heartfelt commitment or a brilliant insight about your love life. If you’ve reached the end of the road, this moon will help you part ways with peace.
With your ruler Venus in Virgo until the 14th, you’re clearing out a few emotional cobwebs. Be careful not to project your past anger onto your current partner—work hard to remember that s/he’s not your mother, father or ex-lover. Any resemblances are actually a gift: they’re stirring up dormant blocks that you need to resolve within yourself.
Do the inner work, because on the 14th, Venus enters Libra until November 7th. You’ll want to be baggage-free to enjoy this cycle. On the 12th, expansive Jupiter ends a four-month retrograde (backward) spin in your fifth house of romance, passion and fertility. The rest of the year looks especially bright for single Libras, or those who want to conceive. There’s an “f”-word your sign forgot over the summer: F-U-N. Laughter is an aphrodisiac, so lighten up.
Energetic Mars is in Cancer, your tenth house of high-profile ambition, until the 16th. Get out there and hobnob with the hoi polloi, Libra. Glam up as only you can, and hit the charity functions, award shows, museum openings and black-tie events. Dial a mentor and request a referral, and get as close to the decision-makers as you possibly can. The Sun and Mercury are both in Libra from the 9th-23rd, a great time to strike out.
On October 16th, Mars moves into Leo, your eleventh house of groups, technology and society. Mars will be here for an extended nine-month visit, urging you to team up with other professionals, especially for a cause. Spread the word about your skills through parties, events and fundraisers, or donate a portion of your proceeds to a worthwhile charity. Mars in Leo is also the perfect time to start a blog, website or online newsletter—something that adds value and meaning to people’s lives while also promoting your expertise. If you’re an entrepreneur, build your business with search engine optimization and online marketing.
Are you ready to give it up already? We’re talking about the last vestiges of emotional baggage, which you’ve been systematically shedding for the last three years. Saturn, the planet of challenges and maturity, has been in your twelfth house of healing, closure and the subconscious since September 2007. On October 29th, Saturn will depart—and you don’t want to miss its valuable lessons. Therapy, energy healing, or any dedicated effort to tie up your past will be doubly rewarded this month.
Look closely: are you still blaming your parents for any part of your life that doesn’t work? Wherever you refuse to succeed—whether it’s love, career, health—chances are, you’re punishing your mom and dad. Consider it, Libra. If you’re experiencing physical ailments, they’re most likely connected to a part of your life where you’re resisting growth (Check out Louise Hay’s You Can Heal Your Life for insight).
While we’re on this roll, how about working out your authority issues at the gym? With Mars in your structured tenth house until the 14th, hiring a trainer can help you work out any buried rage. Let some boot-camp style jerk boss you around, then beat the crap out of him with your boxing gloves. Get it out of your system in a healthy, productive way. If you get toned calves and a supple booty out of the deal, all the better!
Lucky Days: October 9, 17
Money Days: October 11, 18
Love Days: October 4, 27
Off Days: October 1, 15
Libra Beauty
Show the world you're in control by creating a dramatic eye or lip.
A dark smokey black eye or deep lip shade will definitely show the world you are hot, sexy, and powerful, by putting life’s drama into a dramatic make up look.
Source: http://troyjensenonline.blogspot.com/