by Danielle Datu
Giuliana Rancic, star of Style's Giuliana & Bill and host of E! News, gave us a peek at her personal style at the launch of the All Love Is Equal T-shirts at Kitson in West Hollywood. Proceeds benefited the campaign to repeal Prop 8.
What She's Stylin': I'm wearing an Aryn K. jacket, LnA leggings, Vince top, Brian Atwood shoes and Loree Rodkin jewelry. Michelle Obama wore these exact earrings during the inauguration! Could you die?
Fashion Philosophy: I'm really girlie on E! News. I wear a lot of dresses. I feel like people like that—the dresses and cuteness. But in real life, I dress almost like a guy. I like leather jackets and a lot of black, but I defintely pair everything with superhigh heels.
Shoe Fetish: I'm into thigh-high boots right now. I just got the sickest pair by Balenciaga. They're unbelivable!
To Dye For: A lot of people go darker in the winter, but I went lighter for some odd reason. I'm enjoying it. I think deep down inside, Bill secretly prefers blondes.
Beauty Tip: Lorac's bronzer/blush duo is my favorite thing because I think that as long as your cheeks look healthy and flush and pretty, then you look done up.
Workout Chic: Bebe has a sportwear line called PH8. It even includes gym clothes. I'm digging it! It has really cool deconstructed vinyl pieces that look futuristic. You couldn't get that stuff at Bebe a few years ago!
He Says, She Says: If Bill likes what I'm wearing, he will say it. Otherwise, he usually won't say anything! He would hate these leggings that I have on right now. He's seen me in them a couple of times before and he thinks it's a costume. He says, "You look like Mick Jagger!" But I love it! That's an amazing compliment to me.
Source: http://www.mystyle.com