Eyeshadow ($14.50 U.S. / $17.50 CDN)
Tissue Weight Frosted pale peach (Frost) (Limited Edition)
Bamboo Light beige with peach (Matte) (Permanent)
Cut to Fit Frosted red bronze (Frost) (Limited Edition)
Gazette Grey Dark green-grey with gold pearl (Velvet) (Limited Edition)
Memorabilia Dirty purple (Matte) (Limited Edition) (Repromote)

Lipstick ($14.00 U.S. / $16.50 CDN)
Archetype Sheer light gold (Lustre) (Limited Edition) (Repromote)
Dressmaker, Dressmaker Creamy light peach coral (Lustre) (Limited Edition)
Made to Order Creamy mid-tone dirty coral (Lustre) (Limited Edition)
Kraft Creamy mid-tone warm brown (Amplified) (Limited Edition)

Blush ($18.50 U.S. / $22.00 CDN)
Instant Chic Mid-tone muted coral (Sheertone) (Limited Edition)
Garb Light golden suntan (Sheertone) (Limited Edition)

Paint Pot ($16.50 U.S. / $22.00 CDN)
Coral Crepe Soft coral (Limited Edition)
Groundwork Mid-tone neutral taupe (Permanent)

Impeccable Brow Pencil ($15.00 U.S. / $18.00 CDN)
Dirty Blonde Blackened dark neutral-brown (Limited Edition) (Repromote)
Taupe Mid-tone dirty taupe (Limited Edition) (Repromote)
Chromagraphic Pencil ($14.50 U.S. / $17.50 CDN)
NC15/NW20 (Limited Edition at Counters/Freestanding, Permanent at PRO)
NW25/NC30 (Limited Edition at Counters/Freestanding, Permanent at PRO)

Nail Lacquer ($12.00 U.S. / $14.50 CDN)
Brown Bag Mid-tone warm dirty beige (Cream) (Limited Edition)
Originality Sparkly copper bronze (Frost) (Limited Edition)

Lipglass ($14.00 U.S. / $16.50 CDN)
C-Thru Peachy beige with shimmer (Permanent)
Fold and Tuck Mid-tone bright coral with soft pearl (Limited Edition)
Pret-a-Papier Dark reddened bronze with pearl (Limited Edition)
Mineralize Blush ($23.00 U.S. / $27.50 CDN)
Light Over Dark Light yellow brown / dark peach (Frost) (Limited Edition) (Repromote)
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