We sometimes forget how lucky we are to live in a democracy and I think we often take our freedoms for granted. Unfortunately, not all countries run like ours, and not all people have the freedom to say what they think, wear what they want, choose their religion. I don't tend to get into politics that much and I'm a total workaholic, so I'm always busy, but I try to keep up on the news (Twitter helps!) and I even received an e-mail from an Iranian-American fan who wanted to spread awareness of what's going on in Iran. As an Armenian-American, I definitely feel this is something that should be addressed.
If you've seen any of the shocking videos online of the police violence against the protesters (I've seen pics but I can't bring myself to watch the videos) you've seen how the Iranian people are protesting for what they believe in, fighting for their freedoms and being brutally punished and attacked for it by police. This kind of violence against innocent civilians is sickening. President Obama said he was appalled by what was going on and honestly, how can you not be?! Shima, my fan who e-mailed me, said that the Iranian government is bringing in officers from outside of Iran to silence the protesters because Iran's own guards are refusing to hurt their own people. I admire these Iranian guards for standing up for themselves, and I admire the Iranian people for fighting for their freedoms.
Some people think we shouldn't meddle with other country's politics, but I don't think it's about enforcing our own beliefs on them, it's about helping people fight for what they want for their own country. In our country protests and demonstrations happen everyday, peacefully. We are ssooo lucky to have the right to speak up for ourselves and for what we believe in. I just hope the people or Iran will some day soon have the right to do the same.
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